Please Note It Does Not Change Phases On Its Own, You Have To Do That Physically. This also has an influx of symptoms such as headaches, cramps, and sweet cravings. Last but definitely least, is the period phase. They will have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, along with cervical mucus. What are symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in sims 4? Anyways let’s start with the menstrual cycle. The option to give your Sim a blood type and/or blood disorder. These are also illnesses you can get irl.
More illnesses of various severity and symptoms, plus some are contagious. It can take a while to level up, but if you want you can just use the to give your. Every emotion is a 'skill,' so for example, if your sim is tense a lot, they may get a higher level of lifetime tension and get random (suitably strong) tense moodlets. Anyways, I Hope You Enjoyed Reading This Stupidly Long Desc. There's zerbu's that lets sims collect emotional lifetime experience. There is:RH Positive and RH NegativeBoth of them are A, B, O, and AB, the RH factor determines whether positive or negative.I also added some blood disorders, there is currently four of them in the game. Added a Blood Donor and an Organ Donor career. Give your Sim any of these in the pie menu.